The Shared Journey

Fear is Like a Fox

No matter who we are as parents, teachers, care-givers, or, as I often say, shepherds of our children and youth  . . . there are “those” moments when we “lose it.”

When this happens it is usually the fear factor that sneaks up on us like a fox. Our primitive brain is programmed for survival and when we “lose it” it is because something (even if just a thought) ignited that old fear factor. At such moments, fear floods our brain and we become negative, unreasonable, and reactive or we withdraw, pout, and brood. Whichever style we tend to lean toward, let’s just say that we are not at our best.

Since the last blog article when I reminded us all to:

savor the moment . . . and . . .

surrender to love and stillness . . .

I have had to really practice and practice this.  How about you?  Yes?

It is all good, because just by doing so more frequently , we are definitely heading in the direction of correction.  And let me gently remind you that our daily goal is simply to move in the right direction (rather than achieve perfection), and we do so just one step at a time!

This morning, I was reminded of just how difficult this discipline can be. Our minds can go so fast and so far that, like a child out of hearing range cannot possibly hear us, we too leave “here” in our mind and are out of the hearing” range of our inner Voice of Love and Wisdom that calls up from our heart.

However, when we stop even for one minute, we discover our inner guiding voice has gone nowhere as it truly is always now-here.

This morning, after several moments of “zipping it” and listening, this is what I was reminded:

We do most everything from one of two emotional positions:  Love or Fear.

You cannot turn on darkness.  Have you ever heard of a darkness switch?  No one says, “Would you please turn on the darkness switch?”

You can only get darkness by turning off or blocking the light!  That is because light has a power source.

Love can be experienced as our guiding light and fear and negativity as our darkness (usually our perceived survival-self at work even when no tiger is present).

Sometimes we just need a little reminder.

The switch that turns on the light of love and compassion toward ourselves and others is forgiveness.

Use the light switch of forgiveness and watch defensiveness, attack, and negativity, (all forms of fear) suddenly dissolve in the light.

When you step back into your heart center (where love lives) you will send negativity packing with its fearful tail between its legs.  I have nothing against a fox, but fear is sneaky like a fox!

Savor this moment and surrender to love.  

And remember, you can do this anytime and anywhere. 

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