The Shared Journey

Who Are You?

Greetings on Wednesday Wisdom Day at TSJ!

SJ has been asking his great grandfather (Solomon) some serious questions.  And they are really questions of the heart. Solomon seemed to think you might have similar questions. As for Mr. Wisdom himself, he has an answer we may want to consider. But first, let’s look at the questions and stories of the day:

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Do you ever wonder who you are?  I mean really – do you sometimes ask yourself, “Who am I, anyway?”

Most of us do at some point.  It is often closely followed with another question, “Why am I here?”

Of course we know the physical explanations of conception and birth and we do have a desire to know our lineage, our earthly roots.

But there seems to be a soul type hunger deep within us as well.

At times when – for whatever reason – life challenges, confuses and disappoints me I begin to wonder again.

We humans seem to have a longing to know – to know our deepest identity and our purpose.  Many of us have a quiet sense that when we leave this earth we actually are going Home. Home to where we came from.  To the very Source of our being. 

So while we often enjoy knowing our earthly family roots, not all of us can. Many, many people are adopted..  Some eventually find their birth parents. Others do not.

And finding our family roots answers some nagging questions, but even that does not adequately grapple with the bigger question of who we are and why we are here.

I have the privilege of being a mom to an adopted son. For me, this has been a gift from God. He is now 47 and continues to explore the question of who he is on both levels. . . . his birth roots and his soul roots.  We have shared many incredible conversations about both forms of his beginnings through our journey of growing up together and showing up together as we approach life’s mysteries.

Most recently, through a series of what seems like Spirit guided experiences, he has found his birth mother and brothers. The story is too long for a blog and too rich to condense it. But as his adoptive mom I am celebrating. You see, his birth mom has been praying for him all his life and she finally has heard the sound of her son’s voice. I cry with joy when I think of it.  Tim has been on loan to me from God.  I have been the privileged one. There is more to be experienced, but this is but a physical sample of a larger story.  (He has given me permission to share his story).

All of our children, in my opinion, are on loan from God.  We are their parents.  We are their shepherds.  We are only here to guide them into right living and a deep experience and awareness of where they have come from.

Many years ago when I was a therapist in private practice, I accepted a referral that intimidated me beyond words.  A woman priest. A brilliant woman. I moaned deep within my being about my own inadequacy.  How could I ever in all this world help her find what she was seeking?  She was learned. She was articulate as well as critical and prickly. And unhappy.  In spite of her faith.

I trembled when it was time to see her. And she loved coming to my office.  

She told me I had the one thing she lacked.  “You know who you are,” she said, “And while I may know lots of other things you do not know… you have a full heart.  You know yourself.  I have a hole in my heart.”  At first I did not understand.  But I listened. And she found herself.

Solomon wanted me to share these things with you. I felt I had nothing to share today. I have been feeling quite inadequate of late.

Then something happened. An old mentor came through town on his way to Toronto.  I have not heard from him in two years. And just when I was forgetting who I am and why I am here he beeped in when   I had called my sister to share my despair. He wondered if we could meet for breakfast.

John and I met him. Along with my sister, he helped reset my soul..  We all need that at times.

He was sent to remind me that I do know who I am and why I am here. Way down deep.

Just like my former client had learned for herself. .. the question “Who am I” can be best discovered  by asking another question, “Whose am I?” She found her sweet spot and went Home a few months later.

Who do we belong to?

When we know Whose we are, (God’s) we know who we are.  (God’s Children)

Our souls already know, but our minds try to figure it out. My client had long been caught up in an academic pursuit of God with her big brain.  She discovered she was looking in the wrong place, using the wrong instrument (her brain).

SJ (Pictured above) is learning to look in the heart. Take your pulse.  Every beat is a God beat. You have come from God to love because God is Love. 

God, the Source of Love, the Shepherd of all of us earthly shepherds (according to Solomon) says when you fully accept where you have come from you will know where you are going Home to one day.  On the way …. play in the pastures.

Our purpose? Solomon says “Our purpose is simple. “Love God and each other and live with a whole heart. You do Know who you are.  Hidden in Knowing and Experience . . .  wisdom can be found.”









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