Walking Consciously 
This morning started out to be a crisp one. Some of the snow that fell yesterday had melted by sunset leaving driveways and sidewalks with spots of invisible, paper-thin ice. Black ice. It has “gotten me” on more than one occasion!
One year I had gone to work feeling especially strong and healthy and ready to take on the day. All of that changed in a split-second when my feet slipped out from under me and I landed flat on my back in the parking lot. It was dark and I had on a dark coat with a hood. (The hood likely saved my brain from severe injury because I hit the back of my head very hard.) As I lay there uncertain of what I could or should move, it occurred to me that another car might not see me.
I called out to the teacher on duty who was directing traffic. He swiftly came to my side and radioed the nurse. A trip to the doctor changed the order of the day. I only had a mild concussion. I was very fortunate!
Then there is the time I was driving home from work just after sunset in my favorite Subaru sedan that I called my “Sassy Subaru” when it suddenly careened out of control, hit a guard rail, flipped completely over and landed right-side-up between two trees in a snow bank. I was in a hurry for an appointment with a coaching client and the black ice changed the order of the evening. Again, I was most fortunate!
This morning as I stepped out of the car in a parking lot to have coffee with Tom, I slipped but caught myself and grabbed the car for support. A close call! By the time I left the restaurant the sun was out but I heard myself think… “Walk consciously.”
Then it occurred to me those are wise words to live by each day. What a way to “walk into” the New Year. Consciously. Mindfully. Awareness leads to living by choice more often than by reactivity.
As we parent our children or guide our grandchildren, it is important to do so consciously. Walking consciously means to be awake and aware.
This does not mean always being in control. Quite the opposite. You see, black ice has reminded me that the best planned day or evening can change in a second! Living consciously sometimes helps avert unnecessary disaster, but more than that, it enhances our ability to truly live in the richness of the moment.
One of my goals for this year is to live more fully by stepping consciously into my own purpose and supporting you in yours.
Always standing for your personal and parenting strength and wisdom . . . I also wish for you a most meaning”full” New Year!
PS: Sometimes it is also good to take time for some “unconscious” moments to daydream, snooze etc., giving your mind a well-deserved break as well as renew your body and spirit. But that is another topic for another day!