The Shared Journey

Shepherding Hearts and Minds

Practicing Kindness and Pursuing Wisdom

I Wonder …. What If My Glasses Could Talk?

I hope you are finding some time to enjoy sunshine (and even some rain) as the summer is slipping by toward its season of fall produce and bright colors. It is beginning to show signs of leaves getting ready for shedding. It is a time of transition in nature and in our school year. Many of you are gearing up for school and some of you have been saying good bye as you drop your child or children off on a college campus or set them up for commute from home.  Indeed it is a season of change and our bodies and minds are trying already to adapt. Each season brings some wavering emotions that can challenge our sense of security. We cannot read the fine print of the future.  Sometimes we need magnifying lessons to see the good in the chaos of change! Which brings me to today’s reflection about losing and finding my lenses — over and over.

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Courageous Listening

In other words warm greetings on this warm Wednesday evening. Our little three year old grandson has been learning to greet people with giving them “high-fives.” It sets a real positive tone each time and makes us feel lighter and happier with his ‘high-fives” and big smile, no matter what is going on inside our own life or spirit at the time. It makes me ponder : What tone do we set when we meet people? But today’s topic is about learning about the power of listening. Especially deep, courageous listening.  Have you ever thought about listening as being an act of courage? 

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What Thought Investments Are In Your Portfolio?

Solomon is real proud of himself.  As my muse, he is almost always proud of himself when I actually put my fingers to the keyboard and start writing. He approves of effort and commitment. You see, he quietly takes credit without shame when I write to you about this or that story or life lesson I am working on.  His perspective on my everyday problems is more patient, compassionate and hopeful than my own ego tends to be.  A couple of times this week he has had to remind me to practice kindness and pursue wisdom. He always adds, “the Shepherd will guide you and walk with you.” I let out a low groan and agree with him in theory, but my mind has its well worn paths of grumpy thoughts at times.

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On Finding Your Reading Glasses in The Dark

Today I am wondering if you have ever (or recently) had “an off day” in your spirits.  If so, how did you work through it? Monday of this week was like that for me. It wasn’t awful, but I was “off” as far as my inner self was concerned. I woke up feeling a bit gloomy. Not exactly depressed but something akin to walking through a fog or having a grey mood. Not stormy, not sunny, just blah. None of the knowledge I have about how to pivot away from our negative thoughts seemed to lift my inner fog. Sometimes one just has to feel what one has to feel. But for those of us who seek to understand ourselves, it is hard to let go of thinking you can change it –  if you just use the right strategy.

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Pondering the Power of Pivoting

I confess I have been pondering a lot lately on many nuggets of wisdom I would love to put into
words in these blog letters. But if you are anything like me, you can only absorb so much and remember even less of all the good “stuff” from great wisdom writers whose works are sitting on our shelves or Kindle readers waiting to be read. And that even includes biblical wisdom writers. (Solomon wanted me to tell you that.) Solomon is being strict on me, encouraging me to have fun writing to you but to keep it short. But at the same time, this wooly sheepish muse of mine revels in helping me pursue nuggets of wisdom and he knows it is hard for me to keep them succinct! But I am a work in progress in all areas of life lately.  How about you?

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On Improv & Being a Monk For a Minute

Have you ever admired artists, musicians, actors, dancers and entertainers who practice improv? I have, but I admit I never personalized this as something we all can learn until recently when I read a Kindle book: IMRPOV WISDOM: Don’t Prepare. Just Show Up” by Pat Ryan Madson. It has inspired today’s reflections. Also, today’s WW is a small  birthday tribute to our TSJ’s late  “Mr. Tom” who would have celebrated his 72nd year yesterday (6/28/22). Improvisation (Improv): What it is and How it helps us: I find it amusing that my computer does not like the word “improv” and spell check thinks I am meaning “improve.”  In a way that is true because learning about the gifts of improv has been improving my attitude lately.  But I digress.  So let’s begin.

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