Nature reminds us of the miracle of life and love.
People also can remind us of the miracle of life and love.
Life in all its richness and love in all its reach, do go together, don’t they?
Recently I was blessed by attending a service in memory of of Ann’s mom, Dorothy. Ann is a former colleague and dear friend. I was privileged to get to know her mom in years past.
The funeral mass was a blessing that continues to linger with me. It was a profound reminder of the power of presence each of us has on this planet. I loved her mom. But so did everyone else who knew her. That is the point. The name “Dorothy” was synonymous with love and life! Everyone witnessed it when they were with her.
One remarkable thing about Dorothy was how deeply thankful she was for her family, for her faith in God, and for friends. Quietly and sweetly she radiated love. Her smile was like sunshine on a grey day.
I have been reminded that thankfulness is an attitude of the heart; the gentle, steady thumping and pumping of love pulsating through us out to the world. The richer our appreciation for life, the more expansive is our love.
Living with joy and gratitude makes our lives a walking thank-you letter to God.
Life whizzes by. And at times it is difficult.
But there is always beauty in the blur of activities and calm in the chaos of life, if we but notice.
I am feeling deeply grateful for each of you who take a moment from time to time to stop by this site or write personal emails to me. I simply want to say “thank-you.”
Thank you for sharing your stories and your journey and most of all for the gifts you each radiate into the world.
What we believe in our hearts we will live-out in our lives.
Our children notice.
Let’s say a deeply grateful “yes” to this moment.