I know this is a simple and perhaps even silly sounding blog today. (Feet and eyes face forward, duh!) But right now, I am okay with that.
I am feeling so tired of all of the political negativity we hear every day as we face our election that I just want to challenge us to choose our own thoughts wisely. They direct our words and our actions. We all know that, but oh how we need reminders.
But how, I wonder, do we ever teach our children not to be demeaning, belittling bullies when they hear leaders of our country blasting each other in front of the world? Such is life during election time. Sigh. Still, I want to remain forward thinking and positive and sometimes that is a challenge. I get just as stuck in negativity as anyone else. It is like quick sand for the mind.
Do you sometimes feel like you repeat your mistakes over and over? Even with your children? Do you ever wake up in the morning reminding yourself that this is a new day and feel really positive until …. one of your kids starts whining and then wailing about something they “need today” for school … and they have known for a week?
Negative, condemning, blaming, and anxious thoughts make it difficult to “move on.” They tend to keep us stuck in the mud of life. It is true that success brings success which is a good thing, but it is also true negativity brings more negativity and repeated failure–not such a good thing.
Both yield compound effects. The good news is that we can choose the direction of our thoughts. And with practice and more practice we can heal from our past and move forward in thought and action.
I am suggesting two very simple reminders to help us when we feel stuck.
1. Step into this moment and remember it is a new, as yet unlived and uncontaminated moment.
But you cannot “step into” any place without your feet and your feet point forward! Just think, the fact that your eyes and your feet face forward may be nature’s way of telling us this is the proper direction we must go in life.
Look down at your feet and simply remember– your feet want to take you forward. Take a baby step to remind yourself.
Baby steps are like magic. They add up and soon you can run. Remember how you celebrated your baby’s first steps? You knew that meant there would be more to come, with practice.
2. Stop and take a slow, deep breath. There really is something to that simple suggestion. It slows down racing thoughts and calms your nervous system. It gives your wiser self a chance to get back on line. With a slow, deep breath whisper, “Baby steps. One little baby step. I am designed to move forward.”
Remember, simple does not mean easy.