Very often (and for a variety of reasons) we ignore our feelings. Today’s words are about the wisdom of acknowledging feelings.
I wonder . . .
how is your week going and what new insights and lessons of life are confronting you these days?
what challenges are you facing? Are you feeling overwhelmed or powerless over a difficult situation? If so, listen to that voice from Star Wars that says, “May the Force be with you!” They are words of power and encouragement.
I wonder . . .
is life somehow depleting you and causing stress, worry, or heartache? If so, Solomon suggests listening for the Shepherd’s voice saying, “Even when you walk in the darkest valley, I am with you!” They are words of comfort, peace, and hope.
or is this week a week of joy for you? Are you overflowing with excitement about a new adventure or great satisfaction from an accomplishment that you or your kids have achieved? You may like remembering the voice from scriptures echoing through the ages saying, “God delights in you!” They are words of joy and celebration.
Whatever you are experiencing, remember feelings are meant to flow like a river. Feelings are a gift. But they need to be noticed to be valuable. If they go very long unnoticed and/or unexpressed they pool into negative emotional states that often cause vague symptoms of stress and distress.
As we parent our children or re-parent ourselves, identifying and understanding feelings is the foundation to building great relationships.
Feelings Matter!
Like instruments on our car’s dashboard, they are indicators of our safety and well-being in the world. They tell us how much fuel is left in our tank, or how our filters are working for smooth running. They tell us if we are heading north or if “things are going south.”
Feelings are like car mirrors that reveal where we are in relation to others. They help us check our blind spots so we can navigate our social world. In fact, they are the building blocks of our social and mental well-being.
Feelings are the windows to our spirit, the indicator of the healthiness of our brain functioning. In all their complexities, they make us human.
Notice Them!
1. Ignoring them is peril ~ they are designed for your safety
2. Acknowledging them is power ~ awareness gives you choice
3. Naming them helps to tame them ~ for self-regulation
4. Teaching them to children is our charge
Value Them!
Remember, they are your personal instruments for you to use. You are the driver of your car. Emotions merely keep you informed. You are responsible to pay attention. Your questions may be… “What does it mean when this light (feeling) comes on? How long do I have before I address it? Where do I get help?”
Personal growth compels us to observe and learn from our feelings. It all starts with noticing!
Noticing is acknowledging the presence of our feelings.
Noticing opens the gate to self-awareness and humility (not humiliation).
Feelings do matter! They are the playground and classroom for relationship building and we humans are wired for relationships. They matter. . . a lot.
So for this day, take a moment to simply observe your own emotional state and it will help you live more consciously or intentionally in your relationships! Awareness leads to choice.
But …. Solomon (TSJ’s woolly symbol of wisdom) says ….. “Just notice. Don’t worry. Whatever you are feeling is okay. We will talk more about feelings later and how to use feelings constructively for building and sustaining healthy relationships.
Now, let’s go play in the pastures of life and enjoy this day!”