The Shared Journey

Running Low ? Refuel and Renew!

It has been a difficult winter. Fuel, salt, and people’s energies are running low. Many of us are needing to refuel and renew our inner resources.

Are You Running Low?
Are You Running Low?

We may be like the salt shaker…. running low, but not empty. Now is the time to take heed.

Since the news media has been announcing concerns about dwindling salt supplies which could create dangerous driving if the snow, ice and cold continues, I have been thinking about salt.

And until I did a short Google search, I never knew there were so many uses for salt!  Apparently there are over 14,000 uses for salt. Everybody uses it and needs it. I don’t know about you, but I rarely stop to think about the value and necessity of salt in our lives.

Nature provides for us well, and like our children take us for granted, we take the gifts of God for granted more often than not.

 Solomon says this is a chance to think about the nitty-gritty wisdom hidden in a thing like salt.

First of all, typical for him, Solomon reminded me of the Bible verse where Chief Shepherd said, “You are the salt of the earth.” And if salt loses its savor how do you get it back again?  Sounds like we need to be aware of when our inner supplies are running low and honor that the best we can.

The world needs us to take care of ourselves. Why is that so hard to remember?

Lesson One:  Keep Your Reserves Replenished

I think we are a little like the Olympic planners.  We prepare and prepare for our overall protection and safety. For the big stuff. And they did that well.  But they ran into a challenge they apparently thought they could dodge. Wrong! Their salt supply was perilously low for preparing the venues for winter sports. Their warm weather betrayed them.

Lesson Two:  Beware of Skimping 

I read an article that said they were advised to have way more salt in reserves than they did.  They wanted to save money. Isn’t that understandable?  But this decision ended up creating great angst for Olympic workers as well as the competitors.  Before being too critical of them, I ask, don’t we ignore experts’ advise on how to  keep ourselves healthy? We skimp too. We often invest more in clothes or shiny objects than in sleep, for example.

Lesson Three:  Our Skimping on What Matters Affects Others

Each decision we make affects other people too. When we skimp on smaller stuff that really can give us joy, it sooner or later affects others too. Still we hope to get away with skimping. Time and time again we ignore wise advice, just  like the Olympian planners.  Not maliciously. We are just being human.

Still, these earthy lessons are as signposts for our own journey.

Lesson Four:  Take an Honest Self-Appraisal

Truthfully, I am listening to myself.  The hardest part of writing, parenting, teaching, preaching or counseling is staying honest with ourselves.  Personal improvement takes wisdom and courage. 

Yes, I admit that I too feel like I am losing a bit of my own salty savor lately.  Yipes. What is a potato chip with no salt?  For most of us it is not tasty.  What is a parent, professional or friend who has become depleted?  Not very enjoyable to be with!   I know I am one who needs more sunshine than we have been getting (which is out of my control) but if I am honest,  I have slipped in other self-care disciplines over which I do have control. How about you?

Lesson Five –  Find Your Path to Renewal and Wellness

What inner resources do you need to replenish for your spiritual and psychological health and vitality? More laughter?  More exercise? More time in quietness? More time with friends?  More sleep?  More play? A new hobby? Some time away from the kids?

Of course, since this is President’s week some of you are on vacation in places that provide renewal for your soul.  Good for you!   Traveling and playing are great acts of renewal and self-care.  But many people are  recovering from illnesses or simply cannot afford to travel right now.

However we all can be intentional and  proactive in finding ways to fill our personal salt shakers!

Let’s pledge ourselves to play more, sleep more, laugh more, and love ourselves more …. just one day at a time.

Solomon has read this and wants to give you his Wednesday smile of contentment.

He invites us to imagine ourselves playing in the green pastures of calm and renewal.

And I say, “Please pass the salt!”

Margie and Solomon

Wednesday's Wisdom
Wednesday’s Wisdom




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