Do you have a memory like an elephant? Perhaps you do. Experience matters in ways we often don’t realize.
Have you ever heard a news story that struck you in a personal way, even if it is not seemingly applicable to you?
Today’s tidbit of wisdom came from such an experience for me. And it applies to the legacy we can pass down to our children.
We all are familiar with the magnificence of an elephant’s memory as well as the social bonding that elephants display in caring for their young and one another. And elephants are amazing. They are also in danger of becoming extinct due to another amazing creation . . . us humans.
Today’s blog is not about elephant poaching per se, but while I was listening to NPR yesterday a reflection was offered that caught my attention. The speaker said many who buy ivory do so because they are unaware of the atrocities poaching brings to the elephant population. And one such effect is the disturbance it creates in the young who are left insecure, anxious, and floundering.
Whenever I hear about elephants I tend to become awake. For some reason, the elephant has always held an intrigue for me, as it does for many others. I am drawn to their compassionate magnificence, to say nothing of their capacities for survival!
I have on my desk two elephants and a card with an elephant picture on it (the above picture is the corner of my desk) . They, along with Solomon and more recently SJ (Solomon Junior), remain near me as symbolic reminders of our vulnerabilities and our greatness. As you know, shepherding is a metaphor at TSJ for parenting our younger flocks.
So when I heard that tidbit of information I momentarily reflected on the importance of education and learning, and put it out of my mind until this morning. In my morning “Sip it and Zip it” time (quiet tea with God), the poaching story came back and gave me a crystal clear moment of awareness. . . .
Yesterday I learned elephants can remember for decades . . . watering places . . . that had worked for them in past times of draught. The matriarch brought security, safety and care as she led them to water. Killing a matriarch removes that memory and thus the resource is not available to the young.
A watering hole is a restorative place in any arid climate. Being fully hydrated is good for all of us! And water, for those of us inclined to think along spiritual lines, is symbolic of the Spirit, which restores our thirsty souls.
While I was reflecting on that I looked up and saw Solomon sitting facing my desk where Tom had snuck in earlier and positioned him for his WW help. And I chuckled. Solomon reminded me the shepherd took care of watering holes for them.
How does an elephant’s memory of water holes apply to you and me?
Well, I can only speak for myself of course, but I think you will relate in your own way. When I grew up as a child (decades ago like an old elephant!) under some rather tough circumstances where I would get very discouraged, the one thing that carried me through was coming back to God and listening for guidance. Sometimes I would read books and Bible stories to find restoration of hope and promise of being cared for by God even when my own well was running dry.
What restores your spirits in tough times? That is what matters. That is what provides security for us and our young understudies. That is important to pass on.
I wonder, in our culture’s insatiable desire to be more, have more, and do more if we are in danger of being “poached” by … commerce? addictions? perfection? appearance? If so, that may account for lots of the restlessness we see in our society, much like is being observed in elephant circles whose valuable memory has been lost for material gain (ivory).
This morning, I was grateful for the memory that this quiet inner space is where I drink in restoration and inner calm. We need a watering hole when our spiritual well is running low, often due to neglect. Fortunately, I remember because . . . I have been here before. Hmm.
Solomon said that Chief Shepherd reminded me of that so I could remind you.
Playing in the pastures today with fresh water nearby!
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