” Faith makes things possible….not easy.” This saying on our mantle has come alive of late!
When your heart breaks for your children, how do you put that into words?
There simply are no words sufficient for this task.
When you feel deep stirrings in your soul for the conditions of our world, both locally and beyond, how do you describe the angst and worry it creates?
There are no words for the depth and complexity of the human condition that creates so much turmoil.
When you are confronted with so many tough and often daily challenges that render you feeling powerless, defeated or inferior, how do you share that ?
The lack of words to fully express our situation (as parents, teachers, business owners, corporate workers or famers … you name your spot..) is startling and sometimes agonizing.
When you have waves of anxiety and there is no visible tiger in the room, how do you explain that?
There are no words to adequately describe deep anxiety or even depression.
When you are going through significant loss…. be it a marriage, a job, retirement even, a business failure…or a diagnosis that implies an impending loss of life for yourself or someone you love …how do you share that with others? Or face it yourself?
You know….There are no words for times of uncertainty and dark nights of our soul.
When you experience the mysteries of the divine . . . fleeting awakenings . . . an awareness of God’s Presence in the shadow of your situation, how can you put that into words?
When you are suffering along with your friends or family, what can you say or do that will relieve their pain?
Such things go …….way beyond ….. words.
Yet, we are left with words. We need them. They are powerful. They do influence others and they point us in the right direction if they are mixed with honesty, love, integrity, compassion, empathy, faith and hope. They even point us to God. But they do not replace the experience of God or of love.
Although I have written to subscribers about our news here, Solomon thinks it is time for us to share with all blog readers because life is a shared journey. And maybe our experiences, if you walk with us through them, might help one of you out there in the big wide world….or maybe it will help you know how important you are in people’s lives and not be reluctant to express your care….
He put on his serious glasses for this blog! He is very fond of Tom who always pats him on the head before Wednesday Wisdom and who forgot today because we were in serious conversation until he had to slip out for work! Solomon cried a little. Okay it was really me. Read on…
Things here at TSJ headquarters are in a time of unspeakable concern and sadness for Tom, (our beloved husband, father, and stepfather..aka “hons” and “pops”) as he has received news that his cancer treatments have been ineffective.
To subscribers who read my letter… thank you for your beautiful emails to us. We cannot thank you enough for your love, kindness, and support.
Gratitude also goes beyond words!
But your words, including those personally agonizing things you expressed . . . “I do not know what to say.” and, “There are no words….” have been wonderful.
We want you to know a basic truth we are discovering deeply….who you are …. however you express the who of you….fills in where words leave off. Trust that when you are with people. It is the who of you that touches us deeply. And to use a familiar saying in the counseling/coaching world… “We feel you feeling us.” This of course refers to feeling heard, valued, understood, and cared about.
I am relearning the truth that words are necessary but they are not sufficient for describing experience. And experience is really where faith begins and where life is richest and personal. Faith without experience is only a hollow word, a platitude.
Things that matter most in life include and transcend the power of words. They include and transcend the limitations of our minds, personalities, understandings. Things that matter most are things of the heart. Quite possibly my favorite quote says it all:
“Only with the heart can one see rightly;
What is essential is invisible to the eye”
From the Little Prince
Living from the heart on our Wednesday with Solomon…reminding us to play in the pastures but stay close to the Shepherd. And, hey, you never know…miracles happen!
Experiencing the miracle of faith already… “Strength for the day”..
Margie and Solomon