Hello TSJ Peeps!
I know many of you who are teachers and married to teachers are on vacation this week. May it be a time of peace and harmony wherever you are and may it restore your souls!
Here at TSJ, we are getting caught up on “stuff” as Tom is on vacation. He is out getting his hair trimmed and the oil changed while I am here writing this post. But, I must tell you, Tom gave “the boys a talking to” (as he put it) early this morning as he snuck into my office and changed Solmon and SJ’s locations. At first I did not notice. But when I went to put my glasses on…and could not find them… I looked around and SJ was sitting innocently on the desk at my right elbow but big Solomon was on stand a bit out of my peripheral vision. You guessed it…he had my glasses on!!! Very fun. Yes, Tom had been at it again.
“Mr. Tom,” as Solomon calls him, is the “big man” here at TSJ. And so Solomon is especially proud this morning to wear those glasses and did not want to give them up. He persuaded me he wants to see things through my lenses. So if there are even more typos than usual it is because this silly stuffed sheep is wearing them!
As you can surmise, Tom is still feeling strong and playful while we continue to pray for strength and wisdom as we travel the path of living well, (if not as long as we would prefer).
If you are a regular reader, you know that facing the challenges of the cancer journey is pushing us to move through issues of survival in order to experience gratitude and joy of living well each moment. Essentially, that is everyone’s journey.
Lately, I have been pondering even more than usual on things that really matter for all eternity. And eternity is right now. Always now. And such things are matters of the heart.
I have been keenly aware this week of stumbling in conversations when I have not listened well from a “not knowing” heart and brain. And being willing or aware to “not know” is essential to building relationships and creating harmony.
The best place to practice this attitude of not-knowing is with our children in the nitty gritty of life.
When we allow ourselves to stop even one moment every so often and listen to them from a “not knowing” position, it can create a mini-miracle or even an ah-ha moment for us, much like suddenly getting a glimpse of a diamond in the earth.
It is the path of peace and harmony, not passivity and detachment. as people often fear.
I don’t know about you…but I forget. I forget to truly listen, wonder, and check for accuracy and understanding.
As we mature in our earth journey, we learn from experience (usually the hard way). when we believe our opinion is more than an opinion or a perspective, we step onto a slippery slope. We sometimes move from humility to humiliation with lightening speed. This is not so fun.
I “know,” because nearly every day I experience this position.
But I am learning there is a better way of knowing.
The way to avoid the quicksand of opinions and conclusions starts with….
“I do know know what I think I know.”
Usually it starts with transformation of the heart, which is an experiential and nonverbal way of knowing. Like I said last week, “Only with the heart can one see rightly” (The Little Prince).
But when the mind finally gives up its arguments and joins the heart....
Voila!, You find peace. And with true peace comes harmony.
When the heart and the mind unite, you are aligned.
Then you truly strike the middle C of your soul. From there, and there alone… comes the magnificent music of the universe.
Solomon says, “Wow. I like these glasses. I think I am seeing with my heart, Ms. Margie, ’cause I sure cannot see with these glasses!” (Now he tells me!)
SJ says this is way too serious and he just wants to play.
Let’s keep curious, connected, and compassionate as we play in the pastures safely guarded and guided by the Shepherd of Love.