It is time for our WW. For new readers, I wish to remind you that my aim is to take everyday events and use them as object lessons or analogies for the less visible and often overlooked ways of seeing with our hearts. Solomon and Solomon Jr. help me keep it earthy and practical and I work to make it meaningful on a spiritual/emotional level too!
This week I have been noticing how often one letter on a word gives birth to a whole new way of seeing and being in the moment. And words are symbols, or form. They point to things without form, such as feelings and spirit. Thus, the brain uses form to teach us, feelings to compel and propel us, and the Spirit to breathe new life-energy in (inspire us).
Our body gives us a home, a place for thought and Spirit to guide us.
In other words, my love is to link us to mind, body, and spirit experiences. When we integrate the best of these intelligences we become whole and life flows through us more richly and easily.
Many of you remember the blog I wrote on “Sip it and Zip it” about my morning routine of having a cup of tea with God. I need reminders on how to do less talking (“zip it”) but I also need reminders to “sip it” when it comes to the cup of life. And it happened this week….
In a moment when I was still and was savoring the “now,” I suddenly felt a “hush” come over me. It slipped over me like a silk gown. And all I was doing was looking out the window at nature and creation.
And that moment reminded me of other hush-moments or sacred (God-moments) in my life. In such moments you see something bigger than yourself and your circumstances. You see life differently.
You also feel different. Something other than anxiety and worry or needing to impress anyone quietly enters your heart and soul. You feel a strange sense of inner well being, of peace, of being okay. Although it may be fleeting, in those seconds or moments, you “know” things with your heart that can inform your mind. So you think different! I remember many hush moments in nature, like at the Grand Canyon, Niagara Falls, or in our back yard and in my office.
When do you have those sacred moments of hush? Can you have one now?
This week I have been allowing more “hush moments” to happen. I am learning they can happen in the middle of life’s rush moments. Did you catch that?
Changing just one letter in a word can make all the difference. Like the step on the moon… one step… changes everything. It may be just changing the moments of our lives…one at a time.
Rush is only one letter different! A small thing. Change the R to H and you go from Rush to Hush! And to further tickle your imagination, a P makes it become “push.” That even sounds different, doesn’t it? Notice subtle changes in body and feelings when you say these words.
Now say the word “hush” with a sense of awe and wonder and you will notice a shift of mind, body, and spirit. Even saying it, you can notice the exhale.
Our body speaks like that all the time! It is our receiver and transmitter of life and love when we are at our best.
Another birth story ….. Happy Birthday, Joe!
Two score and three years ago this very day, I experienced all of those words. One small human being changed my life. When the birth was ready to happen I had labor pains. Thus I had to rush to the hospital. Several hours later, I had to push when the time was right to birth my baby boy. When he was placed in my arms I knew the weary but awesome “hush” of holding him close to me. Now that was a “God-moment!”
Birthing happens on a physical, emotional, and spiritual level whether it is a child or a dream or simply letting ourselves fall into the arms of God’s Faithful Love… just for one moment …. this moment.
Solomon says it is practical because it is possible. It is possible because we were ARE loved!!!
I couldn’t say it better than Solomon. SJ is grinning too. He likes being loved too, on a concrete level. He is still very young, you know. In fact, Tom couldn’t find him this morning for his Wednesday pep talk, because he was upstairs soaking in the happenings of bacon and eggs. Solomon had to do all the work.
Enjoy playing in the pastures with a sense of awe and wonder!
Solomon and Margie