Sometimes a thing is just a thing. Like a duck is just a duck. Or an advertisement is just an Ad.
Other times a thing is more than a “thing.” More than just an object. It is a message.
For example, today as we were out running errands a business van drove alongside us at the stoplight. I looked up only to see this large business van had a saying sprawled across the entire side. You couldn’t miss it. I mean . . . it was painted in very large letters! (Although, now that I say that I admit I am often so distracted I would have missed it.)
Anyhow, it was an advertisement for Hampton Inn, Webster, NY.
The advertisment said: “TODAY IS A GOOD DAY TO HAVE A GOOD DAY.”
I wish I had taken a picture, but that would have been awkward anyway. Honestly though, If I had needed a place to stay tonight that sign would have done it. Great advertisement. Even greater message.
Meanwhile, as I read it aloud, I noticed something else. Something within my heart. A subtle ~ yet very real ~ shift in spirit. I grew lighter.
I chuckled, said it out loud again and mused ~ noticing that even though I was in a good space already this simple reminder made my good space even better!
Hmm . . . Helping our peeps’ good spaces be even better is my desire for our TSJ Coaching practice. I believe in coaching from a strength-based perspective.
And you know what else? My immediate reaction was to share the Inn’s message with you! (Full disclosure, I am not getting any commission!).
That impulse to share is a sign of my love and deep appreciation for each of you. You are on my mind and in my heart.
On my blog site I have another category called Margie’s Musings. I have rarely used it. So from time to time I will peek in on days other than Wednesdays. This is good practice for me and I pray brings hope, courage, love and compassion to you- no matter what your day may be like.
Thank you very much for your emails! Seeing your names and reading your messages makes me smile, lifts my spirt, and reminds me to whisper a blessing for you.
Solomon is very happy that I “got the message” today and that I am sharing it with our “peeps” (his word for people-sheep).
Ever onward ~ Sharing the Journey with Love,