Dear TSJ Friends,

I have recently had to reboot my phone and my computer when it freezes up and breathed a sigh of relief when it worked!
It makes me think about the value of re-booting our spirits. What do you do to reboot your mood when on overload?
I am sure many of you remember a few years ago when I was all excited and happy about getting rubber boots as I had wanted them for a long time. I liked how I felt in them and even splashed around in mud puddles just for the joy of it.
I have worn and worn those boots over the years. Every single time they have made me feel playful and happy. Yes, I know boots cannot actually make us do anything. After all they are just boots. But they helped make it possible for me to feel simple happiness. I am sure they have helped boost my immune system! Isn’t it true that doing things that lighten our spirits are good for our overall sense of well being?
My “Wellies” have given me many happy memories. I have used them for working in the garden, mowing the lawn, washing the car (years past) and trudging through mud and even snow. The child in me has loved slipping my feet into them rather like a kid on the beach . . . going out with my shovel . . . to play.
That was then.
What about now?
Yes, I have worn them as often as possible and sometimes even when it has been ridiculous to do so on sunny days. But now they are used very seldom. They sit in a corner most of the time. Gradually that part of my life has been changing.
Both the boots and the feet that were put in them have aged. The boots started to leak a little so my socks got wet on rainy days.
And sadly, the feet that have delighted in slipping into those boots have changed shape with aging. The boots now irritate them. And the pure joy of wearing them is compromised.
Now is time to say thank you to my boots for giving me so much pleasure. Thank you for helping me remember the simple sense of freedom and playfulness that reminded me of childhood walks in the creek (some of my happiest memories). And thank you for allowing me to retrieve the carefree part of me, for reminding me the value of having a playful spirit. You have served a wonderful purpose.
What new perspectives have I gained?
I more clearly see that real life experiences – either delightful or dreadful – truly create memories that in time become our stories to tell. The power of story is partly to share great experiences that can be favored and savored at our tables.
(Other more difficult or traumatic memories – with time and compassion – can be recycled to become something good and useful. For example they become stories of learned lessons or perhaps of how we met special people and friends who helped us! )
Both kinds of stories are valuable but today the plate picture re-booted my mind and mood and by re-minding me how much happier I am when I live lightly rather than take things too seriously.
A dear TSJ friend gave it to me as it reminded her of my happy boots. The artist tells the story of simple happiness with a picture and reminds us to play “come rain or come shine.”
Yes, we can indeed be happy in rain or shine! It helps when we catch a child-like attitude of faith and fun like blowing soap bubbles or catching frogs by the pond.
Memories become stories and some of them – many of them – can bring lightness and charm into our days! So now my rubber boots have become part of our shared journey. And many of you have been served cheese and crackers on this lovely little plate when you come for a chat time or even a coaching time!
The artist that drew this picture and the friend that gave me the plate and you that share the story all help keep a happy memory alive!
And “come rain or come shine” may we find fun and faith in our lives to re-boot our mental attitudes.
With Love and laughter,
Margie and Solomon