The Shared Journey

Where Are You Today?!

Hello TSJ Friends,

Good morning!

What is the weather like today? This is often our first question each day. Especially now that most of us are quarantined and hoping to walk outside for our sanity and preferred exercis

We have been blessed today with clear sky and amazing sun.  Vitamin D we love you!  Off we walk with masks and smiles under the masks!

Question ~ WHERE ARE YOU?

Where are you on this beautiful never- before – been lived Wednesday (even if it seems like the “same old” story)?

What “state” are you living in?  I mean where are you physically, mentally and spiritually on this journey of life we all are sharing? It is important to stop and take note of that. Sometimes we get disoriented and confused even in familiar places. Especially during times of loss and isolation as in this pandemic.

So have you cleaned all your closets yet?

I had a client share with me yesterday some of the same restlessness we all are feeling as well as some understandable concerns and challenges she faces. But she said something that struck me.  She said, “I have no more closets to clean!”

What amused me about myself is that I have not even started cleaning my closets!  What is my excuse?  My brain searched for an excuse and I found one!  I shared it with her in a light hearted way.

“I haven’t cleaned my closets because the places that would take bags of things no longer needed or used are closed.” Of course I had not checked that out and she promptly told me there are donations places where you can drop things off. Hmmm.

But wait!  I have been cleaning another kind of closet!

Before we go into that I must remind you of a promise from heaven.

GOD’S PROMISE: No matter your surroundings, your physical state, your mood or your faith or lack of faith – – – there is one thing you can count on:


Let us remember that ~ like an elephant with a huge memory!

I am looking at where we are in areas we can only see  through a spiritual lens like checking our bird feeder hanging a distance away with our spy glasses each morning to see if the birds are low on seeds.

Well, God is seeing you and me right where we are!  In fact He sees our hearts and the vagaries of our minds.


I admit I have become aware of late that I need a spiritual closet cleaning.  This is not a bad thing.  In fact it often happens for us in times of troubles or transitions.   At those times we often need Comfort, Courage and Confidence to keep going. And as life coach I am often reminded we have to start by identifying our need and seeking help and encouragement from a trusted source to coach and encourage us.

My heart and mind are in need of reorganization.

So this is where I am at and . . . God meets each of us where we are!


I hope you know I mean it as an analogy.  God is after all God.  Way beyond comprehension.

Again, as a life coach I find when people call for some help to sort things out they usually come when they are feeling overwhelmed and out of control to some degree.These feelings often cloud our thinking.

Here are two strategies coaches sometimes use at the very beginning of the sorting out experience. They serve as jump starters for change and encouragement.

  1. DO ONE THING.  Just one thing you can do.  It may be to clean out your sock drawer, just somthing doable for you.  That is all.

2.   BREATHE!   INHALE – EXHALE  Inhale slowly and exhale fully.  

I often feel very self-conscious about stating the obvious and over simplifying complex human dynamics and needs. But we need reminders at times. And that includes me.

If COVID-19 has taught us nothing else, it has reminded us there is nothing more beautiful and precious than breathing!!!  People who have come through are well aware that every breath is a gift.

I am discovering “stuff” in my spiritual/psychological storage space that needs sorting!  And to reduce overwhelm I am using both strategies – starting small and exhaling (letting go) that I will share with you.  Ready?  I hope it helps.

So here is my personal  “Do One Thing.” 


Each morning I come to my office to meet with God.  This is not new.  But my approach to it has changed slightly. And that slight change has led to some amazing inner shifts.

My new approach? I come simply to get to know God better.  That is my full agenda. Not with a long list of requests (I save that for other times) and not to manipulate God nor to manipulate my own emotions, but to take time to be in The Presence ~ with intention and attention.

It has brought increasing focus and rewards.

First I have a ritual of gathering my journal notebook, pen and highlighter and surrounding myself on the futon in my office with Bible, books, a cup of tea and Solomon. Sometimes I listen to soft music in the background.

Then I write.  After a few moments of self expression in writing I put down my pen and sit still for a short time.

Finally I ask God, “What do you want me to know about you today?” Then I listen as I read the day’s mediations. And I have had several “wow” moments. My eyes and heart have been opened to new perspectives on many things.

I am unafraid.  I am relaxed. Inner angst or tension melt away for a few minutes. I then read my material with eager anticipation. And it is amazing what comes to me when I turn my attention to read or hear about what  others have discovered both from ancient voices as in scripture and today’s voices of wisdom.

Here is an example from this week in the form of quotes from Sarah Young’s book Jesus Lives  (pp.210-11) and a scripture verse (Hosea 6:3) you may also enjoy:

In her meditation called Transformation, please note she writes as though Jesus is talking directly to us:

     “Only I know the full measure of your capabilities, and I work ceaselessly to help you become all I created you to be.” 

(I needed to hear that reassurance) because part of the outdated attire in my invisible closet are garments of self-condemnation that restricts my own creative expressions. And I know I am not alone in this cognitive/emotional clutter.

I read a quote recently that said.  “You just do you.” Good to remember. I think God nods approval with that.  We are each of unique design.

And the recent bible verse that has offered me comfort, courage and confidence is from Hosea 6:3 .  (It is taken out of context but truly grabbed my heart and seems as relevant for us today as in as Hosea’s times.)

“Let us know, let us press on to know the LORD; his appearing is as sure as the dawn, he will come to us like showers, like the spring rains that water the earth.” 

I believe this can be an expression we all can make – perhaps even with a bit of urgency – in these times;  “let us press on to know the LORD”  seems to come to me be intentional in our part of the relationship. And remembering he will show up for us where we are is as reliable as the dawn appears for us each day… and as refreshing as spring rains. He appears to us in nature, other people, books, movies, even our imaginations and creative expressions!

So What happens when we DO THE ONE THING?

it somehow opens up the channels of freedom to do other things!

HERE IS MY ONE OTHER THING:  Back to voice practice.

My other thing is returning to something I blogged about many months ago and I fell off the path.  I have found even my speaking voice getting worse rather than better since seeing the doctor. So I have been working on vocal cord exercises but have seen little progress. It is tedious and not likely the best style for me.  So I keep doing them, but the joy of doing them is not there.

My spiritual closet is full of joyless expectations and failures.

So in the light of wanting to become all that I can become and not wanting to lose my speaking voice I went back to the program I started with Per Bristow from Sing With Freedom (an online voice coach).

He is a positive coach who generates understanding and psychological principles of learning and growing in any endeavor. And this is not a promotional but acknowledgment of a modern voice using his life wisdom in his career.

BRISTOW’S REMINDERS OF BASIC TRUTHS (even in the first lesson!)

Workbook Lesson 1.

“Release – Exhale.”   It frees you!  (There is that breathing thing again!)

“Follow the mindset of ‘letting go’ of psychological tension, such as the need to control, the need to sound good, the need to protect . . . the need to live up to your image.”

“You are building your confidence …. by letting go of fears.”

“Force always creates a counterforce, i.e. resistance, i.e. tension. The more force, the more resistance.”  (Per Bristow) 

So dear TSJ friends, Solomon and I hope you can find something here to help you on your journey this week.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your emails.  Let’s stay connected.  And yes, I am doing sessions by phone, FaceTime or Zoom!

Remember again, no matter what your personal state is, God is in it with you. Like breathing, it is our gift to cherish.

What is just “One Thing” you can do to reduce overwhelm and tension, starting today? I would love to hear.

With gratitude,

Margie and Solomon













1 thought on “Where Are You Today?!”

  1. Pingback: From Floundering to Flourishing - Where Are You? - The Shared Journey

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