Hello to all of our dear TSJ friends and fans!
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If I were to ask you to rate yourself in your current emotional state or in goals, hopes and dreams on a scale of 1(floundering) to 5 (flourishing) where are you?
Our faithful muse Solomon is here to remind us again that wherever we are physically or emotionally God is there! Even when it does not seem like it.
I am learning the truth of the power of Presence. And I mean God’s Presence.
The fact that God always “shows up for us” is comforting to remember.
When we are floundering emotionally, spiritually and physically we need and seek many things but my own life has taught me when we are going through transitions and challenges we need a dose of spiritual vitamin C: The Cs (comfort, courage and confidence) that I embrace and encourage for the Shared Journey have once again shown up on my own path forward.
This lovely plant in the picture was personally delivered to me on Mother’s Day from one of our TSJ friends and fans whom I had not seen in a long time.
Our door bell rang on that sunny morning and I looked out my office window just in time to see her start to drive away. I flew to the door and ran outside in my socks to flag her down. I caught up with her just in time!
Just seeing her was a gift! But after a few girlie squeals of delight from me and shared words of love and gratitude for each other she drove off.
We waved good bye. And something within me shifted.
I felt loved and appreciated. This plant was an elixir for my own soul. It seemed like it might have something to teach me. And the first thing was reminding me all I had to do was receive, accept it and celebrate it to feel the delight that was intended..
My young mom friend saw it as a simple gesture of love and gratitude. I saw it as a profound reminder of God’s Love and gift of her to the world and to me.
And did I say all I had to do was receive the gift with acceptance and celebration? That makes me think about the love of our Shepherd..
So an awareness of Presence has been washing over me like a gentle summer rain cleaning off the sidewalks and giving new flowers a drink.
For clarification I need to defend myself. I DO know that God doesn’t “really show” up as though God comes on a whim.
God is already and always Present. Seeking us. Waiting. Waiting for us to show up!
But this flower also came to teach me more lessons in the days following.
As you can see from the picture it does not look all that great. It started to wilt. And I had not noticed it doing so even though I did spend lots of time in my office where it lives.
Until one morning when I came early to have a morning reflection with my journal and God. As I was preparing my mind and heart to be open my eyes landed on this very thirsty plant. It looked depleted. I could relate.
I picked up the plant and actually took it to the kitchen and watered it under the faucet. I put a dish under it for overflow. It was parched. I apologized and sympathized. I get parched too.
We all have “those days” or times when we flounder and no one seems to notice. Often we don’t even observe it in ourselves.
Sometimes we get off the path and look for temporary mood lifters, quick fixes for our minds and heart. We look for easier ways to feel better while we figure things out for ourselves. For example . . . I love the chocolate chips in my pantry!
Lately I have learned to stop and ask “why am I here in the pantry again?” Or “What am I avoiding?”
Maybe I should ask you, “what is your chocolate chip” solution? What do you use to escape those feelings of floundering?.
As for me, I am looking for Comfort in the pantry. Specifically a few chocolate chips at a time. They are small so they cannot do any harm. Right? Wrong! That is if overdone. But what I really need is what will sustain me like the water of Life. Not chocolate chips.
I need and want comfort but much more than that. Still, God does provide it for us like I watered the plant.

I felt better after watering the flower and brought it back to my office setting it right beside my desk. I sat across the room with my journal, Bible, pen and Solomon for my quiet time of reflection.
And I watched. It took time for the goodness of the water in the roots to nourish the stems.
So it was a gradual change.
Another parallel to our own spiritual and emotional growth. It takes time to drink in and absorb God’s Presence and Grace when we are off course.
In my meditation time that day the words from Jesus Lives by Sarah Young put me under the faucet of renewal. She said that God is in the business of transforming us ” gradually and lovingly. “
This brought the same tears of gratitude to my eyes that came on that Sunday morning when my plant arrived. Why? Because I am in a hurry to do better, be better and feel better on this spiritual journey. And I scold myself for taking so long. Like going back for chocolate chips (metaphorically) and gaining weight on self imposed burdens and unhelpful substitutes for what sustains the soul.
Change for most of us is gradual and with God it is also loving. Many of us are drowning in the under currents of harsh judgments.
Through His love and patience little by little we can stand up straighter and move the needle closer to flourishing. In being present to who we are (both spiritual and mortal) and who God is (Love and Light) we find the courage to keep going.
So the gift of courage gives us strength to keep on going.
But there is one last C – (Comfort… Courage …. and ….Confidence!)

Finally, my plant is happy again! This was more gradual than I had hoped because it had been really depleted. But within two hours it was flourishing again.
The sun added its light and happiness was complete.
And its lessons have come to me over and over. It may not sound dramatic but for me it was. And I know there are nuggets of love and wisdom here for you too. Solomon told me so.
We need to hydrate our minds and bodies with water (often a symbol of Spirit) to find our way to stand tall in the sunlight of God’s Presence that goes with us. In the Light we walk more confidently.
Confidence is needed for hope and hope is a large part of being able to flourish in tough times.
Thank you to all of you marvelous TSJ readers for keeping me heading in the right direction. Your emails and texts have been wonderful. Your feedback is helpful and your willingness to be vulnerable on your own journeys is humbling.
Also remember I believe in you! And scheduling phone consults has seemed to be fruitful so please feel free to text or set up a phone consult. Remember it truly is our shared journey!
Mr. John and I are working on a story together about what we have started calling “our house” for short (though it is not actually our house). Stay tuned.
The material world has lots to teach us about our inner worlds.
Ever onward with God and Grace,
Margie and Solomon