Hello Dear TSJ Folks,
Who said “no pain means no gain?” I want to have a talk with that person! I know it means that if you don’t work hard you aren’t likely to make progress. But honestly, it works the other way too I think. Pain interrupts important life activities.
I checked my journal, and on Thursday 5/25/20 the first words I wrote on that day were: Back Alert!
Thus begins our shared journey story for the week.
Warning . . . our muse, Solomon, who helps all of us see things from a higher self or a Godly wisdom perspective … met my nemesis, Ms Sciatica.
They got along just fine. You know what that means. “Two is company and three is a crowd” sometimes. They understood each other. I was the object of concern.
Two weeks ago today I had gone to bed with lower back pain that felt like an overused muscle ache – likely from planting flowers. But figured I could stretch out the tight muscles, apply heat and massage them every so often, and go happily on my way.
The next day “Ms Sciatica” (as I call her) arrived. She came quickly and she came boldly. She snuck right into this house in the night and waited for just the right moment to attack.
Now who likes sneak attacks? Yet life brings many of them to us. I mean, doesn’t that describe the coronavirus?
Anyhow, I swear she put an electrical probe on the sciatic nerve. It stopped me in my tracks. Pain went down the back of my left leg all the way to the end of my toes. Relentless and grabbing.
“You aren’t going anywhere quickly today, Miss Margie” announced Ms Sciatica as I tumbled out of bed.
I will spare you the details. Suffice it to say, it was not a pretty picture and my movements became very measured and calculated. No rushing around. And no ignoring it. Why is the toilet seat so low? Why am I dropping things right now? How can I dress myself?
It hurt to walk, sneeze, cough, laugh, lie down or sit for long.
When I finally hobbled into the TSJ office where sunrise and God await, I sat down on the futon with my journal, Bible and pen in hand and Solomon right next to me.
When I sat next to Solomon, I seemed to sense he had been talking to Ms Sciatica and she had told him what I was supposed to learn (or remember).
He understood exactly what she wanted. But asked her to be easy on me. He suggested this could just be a warning and nothing too serious.
He explained that I have been facing areas that need to be changed or renewed and I am excited about finishing projects that have been set aside. He told her I have even taken some courageous steps and signed up for online classes to help me improve personally and professionally.
She said she appreciated his concern, but indeed there had been warnings that Miss Margie has been ignoring. She told Solomon her job is to protect me and Solomon’s to guide me.
There is no arguing with that. Pain is not the enemy, really. It is the messenger.
Solomon ended up doing what he does best. He sat with me. He is rather wise that way. I hope it rubs off on me.
Pondering Pain’s Lessons!
~ Psychologists and wellness coaches and spiritual leaders teach us to pay attention to our bodies when we are upset emotionally. Where do hurt feelings show up? Where does anger show up? How about anxiety?
~ Our bodies are touch points for our souls. They work together for our higher good.
~ Pain really is a spiritual director of sorts. It beings our attention back to our bodies on the ground when our minds are often in the clouds of perfection, purpose and pressure. We become grounded. Our feet touch the dirt and feel new life.
~ At first it is natural to react reflexively and defensively both to physical pain and emotional pain, when it is wiser to become reflective and curious about its source and be willing learn what it is telling us.
~ Our body shelters our higher self. It deserves to be cared for with compassion and appreciation.
Until this pain message I had lost track of what it means to pay attention to how long I sit or how I tensely approach tasks and how often I don’t breathe deeply. Anxiety, fear, tension and defensive posturing show up in our bodies. Somewhere. Somehow. I have learned to become more conscious of this.
Ignored Pain
~ Ignored pain is costly. We ignore pain both subtle and severe at great risk. Neglect causes inflammation of body and heart and erodes our spirit.
~ Ignored pain physically, emotionally or spiritually in our relationships and in our communities leads to violence against ourselves.
Ms Sciatica was not subtle. And we are negotiating our relationship right now. With the help of Solomon and the doctor things are certainly improving.
Finally, and perhaps most important for me this time, my pain has caused me to notice the ways I defend against emotional pain. I have started to notice how I have tension in my body when my thoughts turn toward problems or anxieties.
With both physical and emotional stress we try to compensate. And that can work against us. When I favor one leg the other gradually gets weary.
This week, however, I have appreciated more than ever how our bodies and our minds work together.
Have you noticed how your body is responding to our “new normal” or to the profound sadness we feel around ignoring and neglecting racial pain? Facing grief and uncertainty is like sciatic pain. It hurts. Each of us carries pain differently.
Perhaps your body needs some simple and loving attention too. It might be asking for a refreshing glass of water or two minutes of conscious breathing. It might be asking for time with a friend, counselor or coach who can partner with you when overwhelmed. Or it just might be asking you to show compassion to yourself when you have incomplete projects.
Pain itself is simply a message. What messages are you conscious of as you think on how connected the body and spirit are both within you and in the world around you? I would love to hear how you are doing and where you notice tension most.
Let’s play in the pastures with renewed attention to self compassion. It will spill over to others. With Solomon at my side, I tend to breathe more deeply and love more fully. He represents our divine Shepherd by being a wise sheep. May we do the same! And Ms Sciatica is not my nemesis; she is my reminder to savor life.
Feel free to send along an email or text on how you are doing!
Ever onward learning and playing in the pastures of life!
Margie and Solomon