Dear TSJ Friends,
I thought we might do something different today just for fun as a way to catch you up on things behind the scenes at TSJ headquarter.
I am going to let my muse Solomon write today’s letter.
He has been feeling neglected lately and he would like to tell you about it. I agreed to take his dictation with as little interference from me as I can manage. I wonder… what does he want to tell you?
IT IS ME – SOLOMON I think I am your favorite sheep. At least Ms. Margie tells me that. And I like being favorite. Lately though I have not felt very favorite, but I think things are changing.
I admit I seem to be a little jealous of their toddler grandson. His name is Hendrix and she has told some of you that watching him and his daddy has helped her understand things about God’s love and shepherding in new ways.
In a way that hurts. That is my specialty! I have been telling her all along about how much the Good Shepherd loves her and her peeps. But no… now she is learning from a toddler.
Anyhow, she said I could be her guest blogger today. She said I could write you an honest letter because honesty is important with TSJ peeps. In fact she says we get wiser when we learn to be honest about ourselves too.
I will try not to step on the paper as she writes for me but I really want to get up close and snuggle next to her so I can get the biggest amount of attention. I do hope I get some treats too. But I don’t think her chocolate chips are good for sheep.
As you know, she named me Solomon because I am very old and wise. Being wise means being observant and aware and growing older gives us a chance to do that more often as we accumulate new learning experiences.
I know that shepherding takes lots of courage and wisdom. I have watched how shepherds protect and guide us sheep and how we still wander off on our own. And this is like human parents and leaders.
Before I get too tired to dictate more and you get too bored with reading, let’s get right to what I thought you might want to know.
Miss Margie has felt better the last week and is starting to have goals and ideas again for writing. She has told people how happy she is to think about other things than pain.
And I can see the difference too. She cleaned out her office last week and she has attended a writer’s workshop on line and I got to listen! She is learning a lot which is fun to watch except. . . well let me tell you the story of this last week. I will keep it short.
Last week after being so excited to write her TSJ blog letter and had a Hendrix story for you I was surprised at what happened.
She did write a complete blog. In fact she wrote and she wrote. She corrected every sentence. And when she read it aloud she realized all the fizzle had gone out. It was flat. She was crushed when she saw what she had done. And she felt bad for letting others down.
Why did this happen? She did everything she has learned not to do about writing!
I felt bad for her. I may just be a sheep but I am her sheep and I love her love for people and me. But her spirit fell headlong from enthusiasm and passion to discouragement and disappointment. She did not send it. She knew that was wisest.
I am happy to tell you that the next day (once again) the toddler helped her “see” (as she says) with spiritual eyes what it means to be human.
He was all dressed up – in fact encumbered with boots, snow pants, coat, hat and two pairs of gloves. When Hendrix got back to the house from some sledding and walking in the snow he was tired.
He climbed up on the back patio and landed on all fours. Then he needed to stand up! It was hard to watch him slowly ~ ever so slowly and little – by – little straighten up. He had too many bulky clothes on to easily get up! But he did it. And we knew not to rescue him. It was just a natural learning process.
Ms. Margie saw herself in that action. Slowly getting back up. He was careful and determined. She said to herself, “Yes, I can get back up too.”
The best thing of all is once again she learned the joy and renewing of spirit that occurs by sharing the journey with a dear long time friend yesterday on the phone. Wow did that make all the difference in Ms. Margie. She laughed and cried a little with her friend, and they both felt loved and understood completely.
I am a very happy muse for her again. She says happiness is contagious so I hope you catch our happiness today!
Solomon and Ms. Margie