Dear TSJ Friends,
I hope this is finding you well. While so many of you are facing numerous challenges in your private lives and in our turbulent world you may be like me in discovering sometimes it is the world between our ears that can be a battle ground. Our thoughts and fears can blind us from resources within and around us to keep encouraged.
In dark times we may have a tendency to forget that the world is also full of love and hope.
A couple of weeks ago John and I were reading our daily meditation and a familiar story really hit home to me. I have come to realize more than ever as I grow older that the human condition we are experiencing today is not new and the Good Shepherd knew his disciples’ need for encouragement and help.
Solomon loves this story, written by Mark, a disciple of Jesus. It is simple enough to understand and mysterious enough to make us pause and imagine ourselves in the story,
And may it bless you in the shadows or storms of life in these times.
This paraphrase of a Jesus story is from Mark 6: 45-52 
After a long, busy day dealing with crowds and with evening approaching, Jesus told the disciples to take the boat to the other side of the lake toward the “fishing place” and he would dismiss the crowds. So the disciples did. And Jesus said his good byes to the people who had come from far and wide to hear him. And he went off to pray.
So the disciples were out on the water and Jesus was alone elsewhere praying on land but he noticed after dark that the disciples were struggling. Apparently he still spent more hours in prayer and it was a long night for the disciples.
The water must have been very rough because Mark says Jesus saw the disciples were “straining at the oars against an adverse wind.”
In the morning, Jesus decided to head out their way and walked on the water as if to pass by the boat. When they saw him, they were terrified! They thought he was a ghost.
Now these were no wimpy men! They likely were rough, hardy fishermen and probably pretty rugged in speech and physique! They were used to winds and waves. So this must have been a strong wind. Most of us know what it feels like to be tired, troubled and scared!
And You know what Jesus said?
“Have Courage!”
“I AM here!”
“Do not be afraid”
The wind ceased. They were astounded. First scared and then astounded – when Jesus arrived!
I would be too. And yet even I have had a few glimpses of mini miracles in my own life.
How about you?
The disciples as the story goes on to say, had already forgotten the miracle that had happened earlier that very day when Jesus had fed the thousands with very few loaves of bread and fish.
We too often forget the graces and mini miracles (we often call synchronicities) that come into our lives – just like they did.
No matter how many times we experience grace in the midst of our suffering we get scared when the winds of life rock our boats!
And we forget God is forever present. I AM is always in the here and now.
“Straining against the winds” is something we can relate to!
May the words he said to his beloved and sometimes “clueless” disciples bring us peace as he calms the churning of our minds: “have courage, I am here, and do not be afraid.”
Solomon wanted to share this with you today and hopes these words will comfort and encourage you.
With love and blessings,
Margie and Solomon