Our Muse Solomon and I are glad you are here.
I hope you are well and that wherever you are, you can sneak in a moment or two to check on your breathing and tensions in your body.
I don’t know about you, but just practicing these two things every so often during the day helps me realize how many times I hold my breath and scrunch up my shoulders. Tension and fatigue accumulate. And this one simple check can help us relax into into the moment and refresh our energy.
Okay! Now that you are breathing smoothly and consciously and have dropped your shoulders, let’s begin!
An Intriguing Woman – Perhaps a “Messenger?”
It was on a sunny, breezy day that brought chill into the air, that I met an intriguing woman. It was the kind of day that makes me obsess as to whether I should wear a sweater or not. It also was the kind of day when it seems like one should be outside even if being inside was also good.
It was on that day that I faced ambivalence: inclinations in two directions.
So here is the story:
A Barnstormer Weekend Concert
A few weeks ago, John and I joined friends at a weekend event featuring male singers who enjoy singing together for the simple joy of it. John is a singer and loves the church choir but this group has a special appeal. My sister-in-law told John about it three years ago.
They call themselves The Barnstormers, a group of anywhere from 35-50 men with marvelous voices and a competent and commanding director. They perform two to three times a year and offer free community concerts that are hosted in different towns several states by various churches. They practice for hours and hours on concert weekends.
They cover several genres…from folk, to patriotic songs to oldies to sacred music. They are from all walks of life and many- if not most of them – are retired from fascinating careers, and all pay their own way.
This time we were in a small New Jersey town of historic beauty and architecture. We were in an old red brick Baptist Church that reminded me fondly of the church I attended until I went to college. Although activities are offered for the women, we are free to do whatever we wish. Many of us choose to sit in the sanctuary much of the time where our husbands are rehearsing because it is so uplifting to hear them sing, even in rehearsals!
Some sit and knit or crochet or cross stitch etc. Some read.
I had my iPad with a wonderful kindle book that I had been longing to read. Imagine reading in a beautiful sanctuary with beautiful music and in this case, the church pews had cushions that were just right for my back! Heaven on earth for me.
Then . . . I met Missy (not her real name) A Messenger of sorts?
By Saturday afternoon I had been sitting in the church sanctuary for nearly two hours when I noticed the sun shining brilliantly through the stained glass windows. I realized I needed to get up and move about and should go outside and drink in some fresh air and sunshine.
So I left my purse, my iPad, and my sweater on the seat and wandered outside.
I went through the heavy wooden doors into the sun. A refreshing breeze greeted me as I went down the church steps. I walked down the sidewalk a short way when I noticed it was chillier than I thought.
It was then that I slowed down and stopped to decide if I should go back for my sweater.
I had almost passed a woman I will call Missy. What caught my attention first was the smell of cigarette smoke that wafted in front of my nose.
There she was, on the side steps of this beautiful old church, in a beautiful historic setting on a beautiful afternoon, clearly enjoying her cigarette. It seemed out of place. Contradictory somehow and it intrigued me.
But something about Missy seemed notable. She looked like a person who had seen a lot of life. Was she a townsperson stopping casually on the church steps for a smoke?
I stopped and greeted her.
“Hi!” I offer. “ A beautiful sunny day!”
“Yes it is.” She took another puff on her cigarette.
“Beautiful town,” I say.
“Yes. I like it here.”
“You lived here awhile?”
Another puff and flick of the ashes… “Yes I have been here a few years now.”
“Beautiful architecture here. Inspiring,” I observe …. and shivering … added, “I was thinking about going for a walk but it is colder than I realized and I left my sweater in the church. I am here from upstate NY along the lake where sunshine is a bit scarce at times! “
Missy kept smoking. “Yeah, it’s like that here too at times. Lately we are never sure what it’s gonna be.”
“This is a magnificent old church.”
With that Missy started telling me about the history of the church and its struggles to rebuild after fires. She told me that the people of the church make food and deliver it. “It’s a good church.” she says.
While she is talking I noted her clothing was clean but rumpled. She wore brown baggy sweat pants and a huge plain grape colored sweatshirt that made her look lost. It was the kind of outfit that looks like it came from a clothing drive. She had a thick head of blondish hair pulled back in a youthful ponytail, but her face looked weathered. She seemed older, kind and plain spoken.
I wonder about her story. I remember how we embody our stories and how we are far more alike than different.
I am feeling drawn to her (inspite of the smoke) and wishing I had a sweater because I was shivering. Just about then another woman tried to enter the church through the main doors. She could not open them and assuming they were locked, she came to where Missy was sitting, ignoring her as she climbed up the steps and tried to open that side door. It was locked.
Missy and I both asked her if she was sure the main door was locked. I told her they were heavy doors and I had thought the same. Heading back to check again, I followed her back to the main doors, fearful they really were locked. I really, really hoped it was unlocked because by then I was cold!
I turned back to call “goodbye” to Missy but she was slowly extinguishing her cigarette and getting up to follow us. She walked stiffly and was somewhat bent over. She announced. “I have keys to this building!” (I was so relieved.)
“Wow! You do?” A bit overly incredulous in my tone I observe, “You really do know this church!”
“Yes. I have keys to every room. I know every inch of this church!”
“Wow” I say again. “That is great! “ (I didn’t know if I should ask why or how.) I felt awkward, but she didn’t. Clearly she belongs here!
“I am the custodian of this church!” she announced with pride. The word resonated in my heart. “Custodian.” Caretaker.
I will remember her for a long time.
After I took my seat again inside the sanctuary I listened again to the the magnificent music. Soaking up the warmth and beauty of the sanctuary, pondering Missy’s obvious love for it and thanked God for sending me out to meet Missy, a plain, ordinary woman. She reminded me of a Scripture warning:
Hebrews 13:1-2 (NRSV) “Let mutual love continue. Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by doing that some have entertained angels without knowing it.”
~~~Phew! I am so glad I was feeling chilled so I didn’t rush by her (because I was thinking about whether to go on or turn back for my sweater! )
~~~Missy not only had keys to the church, she had the keys to the Kingdom! (God’s Turf.) She reminded me once again to be careful about assumptions and judging others and how open and hospitable we are meant to be.
~~~Not only did Missy have the key to the church she is the custodian! She has been given the custody of God’s House!!
What an honor to meet her. And I met her twice more. Once when she was cleaning the kitchen. And once cleaning the nursery. She takes it seriously and the church was very clean. She was helping make all this possible and pleasant for all of us.
God bless “Missy.” And may we all learn from the angels who serve Him and us without fanfare. I pray for clearer vision to see people through God’s eyes
When have you possibly met messengers (angels) without knowing it – at least at first?
Happy shepherding!
Margie and Solomon