The Shared Journey

Category: Wednesday’s Wisdom

Where Is the Restroom?

(Remember to click on the green header for a readable format on your cell  phones) Dear TSJ Friends, Have you ever really needed a restroom so badly that is all you can think about?   Now that is real focus.   When things pile up inside us it can also become a crisis.   For example, you may be in a concert – smack in the middle of the row – or you may be in a quiet museum on the top floor and the restroom is in the basement.  Or how about in a traffic jam?  You suddenly feel

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Looking for Keys?

Dear TSJ Friends and Encouragers, Have you ever misplaced your keys?  Have you learned that it is always in the last place you looked that you found them?  Mr. John loves to playfully remind me that you will always find them in the last place you look!  Of course – because you don’t have to keep on looking after you find them! Today over my cup of tea, I am reflecting on where and how do we seek and find harmony when we feel it is lost or temporarily misplaced in our lives? Sometimes the search itself is important.  It is amazing

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Feeling Out of Harmony?

(Remember to tap on the green header for easier reading on mobile devices!) Dear TSJ Friends, I am filled with enthusiasm this week for being part of so many of your journeys. Your emails, your texts and coaching chats here at TSJ headquarters inspire and convince me that each of us lives with a constant awareness of the difference between who we want to be and who we are at the moment. How disturbing or discouraging that gap can be between what we want to be and what we actually feel right now. We frequently feel out of harmony. Yet

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She Called Her Father

Greetings to all our TSJ Peeps! Have you ever listened to someone tell the same story a few times and then have it strike you in an entirely different way than before?   Or have you re- read a book and been surprised about what you had missed before?  I feel sure you can say, “Yes.” Old stories can still teach us new things.  And so it is  – in re-viewing our old stories (histories) we can potentially see things differently and grow in wisdom.  Mr. John gave me permission to share our experience this week with one of his

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Hope and Happiness Play Hide-and-Seek

  (Reading this on your phone? Click on the green header for a readable format!)  Dear TSJ Friends, In last week’s WW blog I promised you there is always, always hope.  And I believe that.  Yet sometimes it seems elusive.  Just when you think you have found it, more bad “stuff” happens.  You feel you apparently looked for hope behind the wrong tree. It seems that happiness really needs hope and the less happiness we have the harder it is to find hope. Both can be quite elusive and hidden from view in tough situations. They play hard to find

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There is Always, Always Hope

Warm Greetings to our TSJ “Peeps,” What makes change so hard? I learned this week about a force called Resistance. Today’s blog was inspired by the fact that I recently read some of my older personal journals. I was startled and discouraged at first by how many things I still say and fret over that I journaled about eight years ago! The bad news seemed clear –  old patterns seem to cling to us like plastic wrap sticks to itself.  The good news is there is always, always hope.  How about you?  Are you the parent, teacher or success you always dreamed of?  Do

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His Eye is on The Sparrows . . . and Finches etc.

(Remember to click on the path if you are reading this on your smart phones as it will bring up an easier format to read!) Dear TSJ Friends, I am really trying to adopt a healthy attitude about mistakes.  And that is to remember that to live is to learn and there is often a nugget of wisdom we gain from our mistakes.  There are messages that come out of our messes in life if we are open to seeing them through the lens of love versus the lens of fear and negativity. Today’s Story:  His Eye is on the

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What Do You Have?

Please remember to click on the green header (the trees) to read this easily on you phones.  Dear TSJ Friends, Perhaps you read my last blog that talks about me getting inspired and renewed recently when I heard a minister tell a story of when Jesus told his weary disciples to feed the crowd of thousands. The disciples resisted  – not out of unkindness, but out of overwhelm because there were so many people to feed and what they had available was meager at best. When they protested, Jesus basically asked, “What do you have?”  (And in the material world’s

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I Would Like to Help…But…

Happy Wednesday, Dear TSJ Friends, Today I want to share a short and recent story from the pages of my own spiritual journey.  Perhaps some of it may resonate with you too. With that in mind, I have been thinking once again about how attached we often are to the three letter word “but” and how that little word can cloud our perceptions, prevent great things from being created and cast shadows of egregious doubts and fears that block the light we can shine in our world.  Now, rest assured I do realize, of course, when “but” follow a negative

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Where There is a Will . . .

Greetings, TSJ Friends, Have you ever heard the expression, “Where there is a will there is a way?” What does it mean to you? I am quite certain that was one of my father’s favorites.  And I did not like it at the time.  This usually (but to his credit – not always) came in a less than inspiring context. You see, he said this when he wanted us to do something that he felt we were perfectly capable of doing and we were resisting. I remember more than once hearing him say this and watching him simply walk away.

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