The Shared Journey

Roots and Wings

This summer I have been thinking a lot about roots and wings.     

As you already know, I have been fascinated by hummingbird wings. It has reawakened memories. When I was a child struggling with low self-esteem, I daydreamed about what it would be like to have wings like birds and butterflies.

Interestingly, my night dreams were often filled with flying and my arms were efficient wings. My flights were smooth and it was wonderful.  If you have never had a flying dream you are missing out on a treat. It elicits an amazing sense of power and freedom.

I think we all have invisible wings.  No, I have not lost my mind completely. It is a metaphor.  I mean wings of dreams and inspiration that help us rise above mundane challenges and worries.

So I believe in “the wings of dreams” and “the wind beneath my wings” concepts. To “fly like an eagle” has real appeal to me.

But I also believe in being rooted.  Grounded in terra firma. It is not as exciting to talk about but roots give us sustainability and nurturance through the grit and grime of life. They also are foundational strength for weathering life’s storms. The stronger the root system, the stronger the tree.

I have been musing on how this is what parents do. They give their children both roots and wings.

Roots are our values, our commitments to building character, our beliefs about God, people, virtues etc.

Wings are opportunities to fly with hopes and dreams, to carry us into unchartered territory so we can learn, laugh, and spread joy and happiness.

While pondering all of this, a couple of weeks ago my jaw dropped open while I was listening to CDs in my car. Denis Waitely, an author and motivational speaker, said, “Parents,  you must give your children roots and wings, not loot and things.”

It so completely summed up my thoughts I just had to share it with you. He said it in one line.

I would only add, that we must do this for ourselves in order to model it for our children.

So do you need to nurture your roots?  A quiet time of reading and reflection, talking with a friend or a coach may help.

Do you feel like you cannot fly? Maybe you are too grounded right now. Allow yourself to play and laugh. Your wings will grow stronger! Perhaps the strongest wind beneath our wings is laughter.

I say . . . let’s stay rooted and grounded in love and forgiveness and we will be stronger.

I say . . . let’s laugh more and our spirits will soar more.

What do you say???



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