The Shared Journey

Love, Live, & Let Go! Part 2

While these words are very familiar, they mean different things to each of us.  They are subjective perspectives as well and typically rather unscientific.  Heaven knows, there are books, poems, and songs galore written on the topic of love alone.  So, I will be using these terms only in the context of what they mean for my own 2012 focus.

With heavily used words that most people have assumptions about, I have sometimes found that saying what they do not mean is easier than what they do mean! I will do both here.

LOVE: (Plugged in to our Power Source)

In this context, love does NOT mean a constant stream of warm fuzzy, tender, sentimental, ever flowing sweetness, although it can include such feelings.

Again, for me it means quite the opposite.  It means doing the right thing.  In relationships it means being less judgmental, more compassionate, and readily forgiving of others and myself.  Personally, I want to love God and others with all the strength my heart, body, and soul can generate.  Physically, it means doing the right thing for my body and mind and for all living things.

As I see it, true love is humanity’s God-given currency of the heart.  The beauty of this currency is the more you spend the richer your life becomes.  Isn’t that amazing?  A song writer said, “Love isn’t love until you give it away.”  It is a spiritual paradox.  The more you give, the more you receive.

I have come to believe that Love unites us as humans and fear divides us.  Fear makes us hurt ourselves or each other.  Fear is the basis of violence in all forms, including subtle actions ranging from rejection, sarcasm, put downs, and neglect, to cold “silent treatments.”  (Silence is not always “golden”).

But love is also a matter of using the mind.  I believe thoughts are the God-given currency of the mind. It is with our minds that the nonphysical presence of love becomes manifest as action.  After all, we absolutely depend on our brains to carry out every action!  And love is a verb.  Since repeated thoughts develop habituated patterns of behavior, my 2012 goal is to starve thoughts that should not be fed.  Can you relate?

LIVE: (Showing up in The Present Moment)

To live, does NOT mean reckless, impulsive, unbridled pursuits of self-indulgent pleasures.  It does not mean ignoring our Inner Wise Voice.

I want to live with an open mind, open heart, curiosity and a sense of wonder.  I want to live a life of integrity and passion for discovery and learning.  I want to blend spirituality and science, focus and frolic, stillness and playfulness, seeking and finding, and mix adventure and risk taking with stability and wisdom.

Again, to accomplish this means being plugged into that power source that helps keep our mind, body, and spirit in good shape.  Love.  After all, an unplugged toaster does not transform the bread into toast.  Love is a transforming power.  I aspire to stay plugged in more and more often.  Again, this means action.  Love put into action is transforming.

Finally, LET GO (Of Fear-Based Living)

By “let go” I do not mean to drop things or people like a hot potato (unless it is the better part of wisdom).  I do not mean ever letting go of God’s Love as our Source.  I do not mean ignoring our Inner Voice of Love or Wisdom.

Interestingly, many things must be “let go” gently.  If it is something we have felt was important enough to worry about or ponder, it likely has personal value to us and must be put down gently.  Then we can tenderly step back and realize the lesson we are to learn.  Clutching it thwarts that perspective.  Gently putting it down or putting it aside gives us a chance to seek the wisdom it is trying to send us without anxiety.  It may mean gently letting go of  long held beliefs that no longer serve us well.

My personal higher aspiration is to “let go” of fearful behaviors, of yesterday’s perceived failures, of wanting to change things that cannot be changed.  And I mean to “let go” of being judgmental but not of using good judgment.  I mean letting go of the day and welcoming the night for rest.

This is not new.  It is as old as time.  Just look at my bookshelves.  People have been saying the same things for centuries.  Still, we too can join ancient voices on the journey of wonder and wisdom and be guided to more intentionally Love, Live, and Let Go.

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