The Shared Journey

“Get Out of Your Head!”

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Happy Wednesday!

I often use this cup that has been broken and repaired as a reminder of spiritual truths.

In years past I have referred to the “Sip it and zip it” attitude that comes with quiet time with Chief Shepherd.

It also reminds us to “Savor each moment.” Some moments are meant to be savored.  Maybe if we become highly enlightened we would actually learn to savor even the unfavorable moments in our lives.  Sometimes I can do that by seeing lessons in those moments.  But for now, I am more likely to savor peaceful moments and chocolate moments.

My small mug is still here as an object lesson for our personal and spiritual growth.

I had a chance to listen to those lessons myself this week.

I had an experience that does not make me look good.   So  once again my little mug sits as a symbol of two things that I need to review:

Spend more time zipping up mind and mouth and sipping and savoring our precious moments with each other  Many mistakes.. at least for me ... come from a lack of being centered and more fully awake to or aware of our Internal and Eternal Teacher  which comes as  the “still small voice” to remind us we “know better.”

The back story for today’s wisdom lesson. . .

It seems that we people are a bit like sheep in that we do get stuck in old patterns of thinking and behaving and need help getting unstuck.

A few days ago a wonderful friend came for a visit. We settled down over a cup of coffee and exchanged some casual catching up.  It was a rare event and true gift to me. I had really anticipated her visit with a happy heart. But I fell short of my better (let alone best) self and talked too much. I fell into a behavior that can be most annoying and even hurtful in some situations. In a  self-absorbed manner I related a personal story in endless detail. I wish I could say it was a first for me. That would be a lie.

We had limited time and I usurped what I had anticipated as precious time together sharing.  I lost an opportunity to hear more from her. To listen more. Gracious as she was, my conscience convicted me.  When she left, I felt great remorse. I felt a wave of grief too, a real sense of loss and embarrassment.  I cannot get that time back and truthfully she is very important to me. Of  course we can meet again. Still, this pointed out my own current state of imbalance. Not  fun.

Now here is where another problem lies: A mistake was made –  not a crime.  Regret is one thing and appropriate.  But my spirit sank low and my self criticism made me spiral down that “rabbit hole” where it took a lot of personal effort to come out of myself to get a new perspective. Good strategies did help..

A Rescue From Myself . . .

One way to savor moments even when you are in a rabbit hole of fear or criticism or negativity is to be ever open to notice the good in others. Unseen angels seem to come to us.

So John and I had stopped at our local grocery store and as we opened the trunk to load our groceries, a friendly lady on my right started laughing and talking.  She had a large SUV with its trunk open and I looked over to hear her.  She had just discovered a “lost” jar of Mayonnaise from her last trip to the store.  She was so happy to find it she looked over and told us about it.   She knew she had bought one but it never showed up in her grocery bag.  It had apparently rolled under the car seats.  She stood there with this large jar of Mayo that had separated and looked awful but was laughing because she had not “lost her mind” after all!  (Clearly that jar had been in her car during our recent deep freeze.)  Her laughter was infectious and her joy contagious.

I laughed and said I was so glad those things happen to others too.

Who would have thought a lost Mayo jar would help me find my happier self? She unknowingly was sent to help me step outside of myself.

Yet Another Rescue. . .

As I was pondering what to write today, I procrastinated.  Which in this case means I cleaned up email and listen to podcasts that led me to a TEDx talk by Mel Robbins on 6/11/11.  It is rather bluntly titled, “How to Stop Screwing Yourself.”   Near the end of her 18 minute speech she said . . .

If you are in your head you are behind enemy lines.  It is not God talking!  In fact, if we were to put a speaker on to broadcast what you say to yourself about you we would institutionalize you. You would not hang out with people that talk to you the way you do to yourself.”

For those of you prone to self-criticism and are anxious about your inadequacies and worried about rejection, I hope this brings a smile.  Some of you do not struggle with the “rabbit hole” cluster of thoughts but you may know someone who does.

So let”s zip it (mouth and mind), sip it (the water of life) and savor it (moment and lessons) to get centered and become more readily conscious of our Internal and Eternal teacher of Love and Forgiveness whenever we or someone else stumbles.





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