The Shared Journey

Ever Been On The Lookout For Something?

Dear TSJ Friends,

Have you ever been “on the lookout” for something?

Sure you have!

One morning when I began the day with the things pictured above I discovered a surge of excitement about what seems to be my new adventure.

I call it my “being on the lookout” adventure.

But for this to make sense to you, I need to share in chronological order some mini stories of how I came to welcome this adventure.

Most of all, my catalyst for personal growth and reason for sharing this blog letter with you today stems from the fact that I, like most of us, have been battling discouragement and confusion about how to live well during these days of the pandemic.

I struggle with changes and inconveniences and losses and I miss seeing people in my office. And many of you have far more such inconveniences than Mr. John and I do.  Muse Solomon reminds me daily of how blessed we are. We are mostly retired and generally healthy.

But at times you will notice in the stories below that I loose or misplace things, not the least of which is focus on what is good.  The word good has even come to have new meaning for me in spite of Solomon always reminding be about the “Good Shepherd!”

So what does “being on the lookout mean” to you?  I bet you will notice that it points to:

1) When you have lost or misplaced something you want or need.


2) When you are anticipating with excitement at seeing something you either strongly desire to see or touch  (like birds, flowers, animals, etc. as on a Safari)


3) you may be on the lookout to avoid (poisonous snakes, spiders etc.) that you fear!

The first is where I started this week.  And the second is where I ended up after several divine prompts!

My spiritual adventure actually began to emerge a few days ago.

When I was dressing for the day I went to put on my regular mask.  I have one with strings attached and it has ended up being my favorite because I can tie it around my neck and have it handy whenever I need it.

(That reminds me that as a kid in school we thought it quite hilarious when a teacher would look for their glasses and we would call out, “They are right on your head!” I don’t find that so funny anymore – although I do chuckle – because it happens way too often!)

Anyhow, I have a place for it on the counter by the kitchen door along with my “devices” getting charged and my “cheater” reading glasses. But the mask was missing. I looked around.  I could not find it.

So I went about my tasks for a bit and got my “savor the moment” cup of tea that reminds me to settle in for my morning check-in and check-up with God.  When I walked in, I saw the mask on my journal. It looked odd there because I had never put it there before.

Yet it starkly spoke to me of the times we are in, so I took the large picture above for you.

And for me, sometimes the Universe or God and/or the “heavenly host” has to thump me on the head to get my attention. And lately I have been thumped! (I think by God.)

Allow me to share more of the back story that set the stage for me to take notice of that morning’s reading because “being on the lookout” is a phrase that I had never thought of before as a helpful handle to live by!

So last week when I was preparing to write my blog letter to you all kinds of unpleasant things cropped up that day that caused anxiety or frustration. One I can share with you involved lost money.

I thought I lost an envelope that had gift money in it for graduations and birthdays. My heart sank. Money does not grow on trees, just like my dad always said!

I knew it was in a plain envelope and I looked everywhere. I moaned when I remembered taking some papers to the recycle box. Perhaps it was there – unless I had mistakenly done it the previous week and it was gone forever. . .

Dizzy with “what iffing,” I went through the recycle box. Not there. But I did find a bill I had accidentally put there!  I was very relieved to “accidentally” discover the Discover bill!

I laughed to myself,  Okay, God, I “get it.”  Did I lose the gift envelope to discover the bill I accidentally threw away? Was it coincidence or did God Wink as some of my friends say!

Anyhow, I was so thankful about finding the bill I searched again for the gift money envelope. It was right where I had put it (of course).

Something about that experience awakened me to realizing that far too often – like the envelope and the bill – I misplace my focus and often miss what is good and see clearly what is wrong.

So ever since last Thursday (after my frustrating Wednesday) I have become even more intentional  to use my morning time as a jump start for attitude adjustments.

I am genuinely excited with what I am learning and  I sincerely hope it might touch your life in a good way too.

The Meditation:

The  meditation topic that day was:   “ATTITUDE!”

When I opened up to that I thought …. Oh oh … Someone in the Universe Knows me very well!  And like a snowball that gets started at the top of the hill and gets larger as it rolls, so did my joy.

“Be On The Lookout!”

Alert! It is helpful to know that Sara’s Young’s style of writing is to take scriptures and as closely as she can follow them, she writes as it it is God speaking directly to us.

So here is what I read:

“I have prepared this day with the most tender concern and attention to detail. Instead of approaching this day as a blank page you need to fill up, try living in a responsive mode: being on the lookout for all that I am doing. This will enable you to discover and respond to the opportunities I place before you today.”

She went on to write, “The art of living well rests upon a foundation of trust —– In My absolute goodness, My infinite wisdom, My unfailing Love.”  (Jesus Lives – page 308)

As I took the time to let her words sink in, I made a decision.

I decided to start being on the lookout for God’s absolute goodness (what is good comes from God), his infinite Wisdom and …. his Unfailing Love!  

“Be on the lookout for all God is doing!” 

*It has changed my focus more than trying to “stay positive.”

*It has “enabled me to live in a more responsive (vs. reactive) manner.”

*I can hardly believe how much it helps open up my mind and heart to respond to opportunities God has placed before me each day.

*It has been a most rewarding and rather fun exercise.

*It has helped me find meaning in my own messes, like glimpses of diamonds in the dirt that sparkle in the sun’s rays.

Then..four days later …. it came to me to

Be On The Lookout for All That is Good

She pointed to a New Testament verse in her meditation, “Renewing your mind.” (pp 316-17) –

What is good?   Philippians 4:8.:

Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is

lovely, whatever is admirableif anything is excellent or praiseworthy

think about such things.”

Wow! That gives us a lot to be on the lookout (intentionally watch) for!

You never know what you will discover in this adventure with the God of all that is Good.

This feels more active and powerful than simply “positive thinking.”

I have written these things down in a list.  I forget easily.  But at least I know what to intentionally look for plus lots of wonderful surprises.

Yesterday, at a very hot (did I say hot?) moment when we were closing down the sails on the boat in the burning sun we were losing energy.  I looked down at the thick, yucky seaweed gathered around the dock and guess what I saw?  A large turtle moving easily along under those weeds and my heart leapt.

Margie and Solomon



















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