The Shared Journey

Calm on the Pond and Moments of Thankfulness

Dear TSJ Friends,

Reflection – on water and in one’s soul


Dear TSJ Friends.

Several days ago I stepped out to our backyard to feed the birds. It was early morning and the sun was coming up, casting its rays in a grand display of fall colors.

When I saw this, it took my breath away. I actually gulped back big tears. It was that exquisite. I ran back into the house to grab my I-Pad for a picture to share with you, but a picture is not the same of course.

The beauty. The stillness, The mirrored reflection in the water. And the gradual brilliance of color were beyond my brain’s ability to comprehend.

My soul drank it in like it had been through a drought.

This was especially meaningful that day because my recent readings and study have awakened in me unexpressed longings that we humans have for beauty and its vital role in healing our busy brains and aching hearts.

So I have been finding some solace and increased awareness of ordinary things that are beautiful.  I am practicing little ways to help me be intentional and focused on the beauty around me.  Beauty is of course experienced by the beholder. It is personal and restorative because of that.

For example, I started by simply “noticing” the red bushes in the neighborhood.  I then noticed them everywhere.  The value of doing this, is developing a practice of paying attention or just “noticing.” Once you notice one you can find yourself gazing at others.  Every gaze counts to divert us from inner chaos.  It is a simple exercise. It also works with becoming aware of our attitudes, our habits, our beliefs etc.

This Thanksgiving season is a good time to start with noticing beauty and our human longing for it.

But I admit I am also reflecting on the word “longing.” Just the word itself seems to bring up some feeling that needs exploring. So, like looking for red bushes, I am also “noticing” my longings. (And I mean more than my little trips into the pantry for “just a few” chocolate chips!)

I was truly happy the other day as I walked with John on the path behind our house that is gloriously covered by fallen leaves. It was like “walking the red carpet”as in a luxurious event. The event for us was heading to North Ponds Park.

When we got to the park with the sun dancing through tree branches and off the pond water, I heard myself playfully exclaim,  “You know what, John?”

He said, “No. What?”

“I have come to see the world as God’s playground – designed perfectly for us,” I chortled! I continued to chatter on about animals, seasons, trees, clouds, oceans, brooks, flowers, mountains. etc. Our world is interesting, challenging, mysterious, consistent, inspiring, chaotic and calming. And much more.

I guess I have been on playgrounds too much lately! But I am noticing so many things I cannot resist sharing with you wonderful TSJ peeps.

Solomon and I believe that many of you, like me, have many unexamined longings too. I think simply noticing our longing for beauty is a good place to start.  And God is the Artist of all artists!  Our beautiful earth is a gift from the Creator of all that is Good, True and Beautiful! Solomon seems perfectly happy grazing and gazing. He has an awareness of how his longings are fulfilled because he has learned some wise ways of enjoying life.

So we wish for you happy shepherding.

May we all enjoying playing together on God’s grand playground – our world!

With Love and other longings to explore,

Solomon and Margie


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